The beginning
This blog was inspired by the EastBay SPCA blog, which came to my attention when we got involved in helping rescue their Cousteau, the French Spaniel. They posted to their blog the story of his adoption (see HERE and HERE, 4th pix down). It was then I realized the potential of a blog in rescue work. So much of our work is done behind the scenes so to speak. The blog will be an opportunity to create a rescue diary in order to bring to light all the work necessary to coordinate and direct our rescue work.
Just recently, I have spent hours and mucho $$ on getting my new computer up to speed after transferring almost all the info from the old computer. I think I did lose a huge library of pictures of former rescue dogs, and some of my own personal dogs' pictures. Sadly, it was all stored on one zip disk which somehow doesn't "read" correctly and won't transfer the files. My new computer does not need extraneous storage such as zips. This one has mucho space on the drive for which I'm grateful.
The transfer to the new computer has completely changed my attitude to doing the necessary computer work for Springer rescue. My workarounds with the old computer made the work so cumbersome I used to hate doing anything.
I positively will be able to accomplish much more than before. In fact, before I had required another person to take on web updates to the homestead site. I think now I will have time to do this myself. I have, in fact, updated my very old shelter links page. I hope to refresh many more of the parts of the website, such as the past years' Fun Day pix as I have these all on CDs.
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